Instructions Following Direct Sinus Lift

  1. It is important to take all medication as directed. The antibiotics should be taken until finished. If side effects arise from any of the prescribed medications, please call our office.
  2. To minimize swelling, ice should be applied to the outside of the face in the area operated on, using it on for 20 minutes and then leaving it off for 20 minutes. This should be continued as needed for the first 48-hour period following surgery.
  3. Swelling on the first or second day is normal. This may worsen up to three days following the surgery and persist for several weeks.
  4. Occasional bleeding during several days, is normal. If it appears excessive, please call the office.
  5. Dentures or partial should be worn as instructed.
  6. Please refrain from nose blowing for the first 2 weeks.
  7. Smoking or using tobacco products can adversely affect the success of the surgical procedure and should be curtailed.
  8. If adverse side effects occur to any of the prescribed medication contact our office immediately.